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Center for International Law and Policy

Past Events

June 26, 2023​  CLIP Study Series (Vol. 1)

The Center for International Law and Policy (CLIP) holds study groups on international law under the title "CLIP Study Series."

For this first session, we invited Dr. Manaka Murakado (Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Law, Kyoto University) and Dr. Akinaga Yoshida (Assistant Professor, School of Law, Waseda University) to make reports. In addition, from CLIP, Dr. Tsuyoshi Yamashita (Research Felow) made a report.

The reports of this workshop will be published on our website as "CLIP Research Paper Series" at a later date.


March 23, 2023​  Kuniko Ozaki's special lecture 

Ahead of the opening of the Center for International Law and Policy, Tohoku University Specially Appointed Visiting Professor, and former International Criminal Court (ICC) judge, Kuniko Ozaki gave a lecture on March 23, 2023.



​Tohoku University

​Center for International Law and Policy



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